Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Relationship of the United States With China

The Relationship of the United States With China The relationship between the U.S. and China traces back to the Treaty of Wanghia in 1844. Among other issues, the treaty fixed trade tariffs, granted U.S. nationals the right to build churches and hospitals in specific Chinese cities and stipulated that U.S. nationals cannot be tried in Chinese courts (instead they would be tried in U.S. consular offices). Since then the relationship has fluctuated coming closet to open conflict during the Korean War. Second Sino-Japanese War/World War II Beginning in 1937, China and Japan entered into conflict that would eventually combine with the Second World War. The bombing of Pearl Harbor officially brought the United States in the war on the Chinese side. During this period the United States funneled a great amount of aid to help the Chinese. The conflict ended simultaneously with the end of the Second World War and the surrender of the Japanese in 1945. Korean War Both China and the US got involved in the Korean War in support of the North and the South respectively. This was the only time when soldiers from both countries actually fought as the U.S./U.N. forces battled Chinese soldiers upon Chinas official entrance in the war to counter American involvement. The Taiwan Issue The end of the second world war saw the emergence of two Chinese factions: the nationalist Republic of China (ROC), headquartered in Taiwan and supported by the United States; and the communists in the Chinese mainland who, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, established the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). The U.S. supported and only recognized the ROC, working against the recognition of the PRC in the United Nations and amongst its allies until the rapprochement during the Nixon/Kissinger years. Old Frictions The United States and Russia have still found plenty over which to clash. The United States has pushed hard for further political and economic reforms in Russia, while Russia bristles at what they see as meddling in internal affairs. The United States and its allies in NATO have invited new, former Soviet, nations to join the alliance in the face of deep Russian opposition. Russia and the United States have clashed over how best to settle the final status of Kosovo and how to treat Irans efforts to gain nuclear weapons. Closer Relationship In the late 60s and at the height of the Cold War both countries had a reason to start negotiating in hopes of a rapprochement. For China, the border clashes with the Soviet Union in 1969 meant that a closer relationship with the U.S. might provide China with a good counterbalance to the Soviets. The same effect was important for the United States as it looked for ways to increase its alignments against the Soviet Union in the Cold War. The rapprochement was symbolized by the historic visit of Nixon and Kissinger to China. Post-Soviet Union The disintegration of the Soviet Union re-inserted a tension into the relationship as both countries lost a common enemy and the United States became an undisputed global hegemon. Adding to the tension is Chinas ascent as a global economic power and the expansion of its influence to resource-rich areas such as Africa, offering an alternative model to the United States, usually termed the Beijing consensus. The more recent opening of the Chinese economy has meant closer and increased trade relationships between both countries.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Los 6 puntos bsicos de las visas J-1 de intercambio

Los 6 puntos bsicos de las visas J-1 de intercambio Cada mes hay una media de 170,000 extranjeros disfrutando de una visa J-1 de intercambio en los Estados Unidos. Si se tiene una, es muy importante conocer las reglas fundamentales. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre los programas amparados bajo el nombre J-1, explicacià ³n de fecha mxima para permanecer legalmente en el paà ­s y periodo de gracia, quà © es la regla de la obligacià ³n de dos aà ±os fuera, cà ³mo saber si aplica al caso de cada uno y, en el caso de los mà ©dicos, cules son los caminos para pedir una waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n o permiso.   Para qu es la visa J-1 de intercambio Para facilitar que personas extranjeras ingreses a Estados Unidos a participar en diversos programas de intercambio educacional o cultural. Los Programas de la visa J-1 Son muy diversos entre sà ­ y con condiciones comunes pero tambià ©n à ºnicas a cada programa. Au-pair o nià ±eraEstudiante universitario, dentro de un programa encaminado a completar los estudios universitarios que realiza en su paà ­s de origenStaff  de campamento de verano Visitante invitado por el gobierno federal, uno de los estados o municipales o una de sus agenciasPrcticas para profesionales en Estados UnidosProgramas de entrenamiento para profesionales, como este para ONGs en EEUU. Mà ©dicos para realizar estudios o prcticasProfesores universitarios o investigadores a medio plazo (Visas H-1B y en algunos casos la visa O son tambià ©n una opcià ³n).Profesores universitarios o investigadores por un periodo corto de tiempo, por ejemplo, una conferencia, una demostracià ³n, etc.Estudiantes de secundaria para cursar sus estudios en una institucià ³n pà ºblica o privada. Para estos estudiantes, hay otras opciones de visa.Especialistas en un rea concreta de conocimientoTrabajar y viajar en verano para universitariosMaestros (los maestros tambià ©n pueden obtener u na visa H-1B) Cul es el primer paso para obtener una visa J-1 Tener un patrocinador (sponsor). Sà ³lo pueden patrocinar una J-1 una institucià ³n pà ºblica o privada que haya sido designada especà ­ficamente por el gobierno americano. Por ejemplo, aquà ­ est la de patrocinadores de maestros y aquà ­ una lista completa para otros programas. Si el sponsor decide patrocinar enviar al patrocinado extranjero un documento que se conoce como DS-2019. Si este documento no se puede pedir la visa. Solicitud de la visa A partir de ahà ­ ya se puede solicitar la J-1 completando en là ­nea el documento DS-160 pagando la tarifa correspondienteaportando los documentos especà ­ficos que se piden para cada programa y segà ºn el lugar desde donde se aplica (seguir las instrucciones del DS-160)asimismo, aportar las fotos y huellas digitales siguiendo las pautas del consulado desde donde se aplica.  acudir al consulado con toda la documentacià ³n y los resguardos de haber pagado haber aplicado el dà ­a y la hora seà ±alado. Seguir en este punto las instrucciones concretas para cada oficina consular Se puede llevar a Estados Unidos a los familiares mientras se desarrolla el programa de intercambio? En la mayorà ­a de los casos es posible solicitar una visa J-2 para los esposos/as   y para los dependientes (hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os). Sin embargo, algunos programas no contemplan esta posibilidad son: au pairmonitor de campamento de veranoestudiante de secundariay programa de trabajar y viajar en verano El procedimiento para obtener la visa J-2 es igual que al de la J-1. Primero hay que obtener el OK del patrocinador y este debe dar el DS-2019 para cada dependiente. Y sà ³lo despuà ©s se solicita la visa per se. En la mayorà ­a de los casos los cà ³nyuges que son titulares de una J-2 pueden trabajar en Estados Unidos, para ello deben solicitar un permiso de trabajo despuà ©s de ingresar al paà ­s.  En cuanto a la validez de sus visas, dejarn de serlo cuando la J-1 de la que dependen no sea vlida Obligacin de salir del pas al completar el programa J-1 y no regresar por dos aos Algunos programas estn sujetos a este mandato cuando la participacià ³n en el programa recibe fondos del gobierno del paà ­s del patrocinado o de los Estados Unidoscuando se trata de mà ©dicoscuando se posee unos conocimientos o habilidades calificados como necesarios por parte del paà ­s al que pertenece la persona que disfruta de la visa J-1. En estos casos ha que salir de Estados Unidos por dos aà ±os, aunque se puede viajar como turista. Sin embargo no se puede obtener una visa de trabajo tipo L, H o ni una tarjeta de residencia ya que no es posible obtener ni una visa de inmigrante ni un ajuste de estatus. Tampoco es posible sacar la visa K-1 para prometidos de ciudadanos americanos. Los à ºnicos transfer de visa posibles son por una G, para organizaciones internacionales, una A, para diplomticos o la visa U para ciertos casos de và ­ctimas de violencia. Es cierto que se puede solicitar una waiver para que esta prohibicià ³n no aplique, pero no es fcil obtenerla, por lo que es altamente recomendable asesorarse con un abogado migratorio. Cmo saber si se est sujeto a la regla de los dos aos Se puede verificar en la esquina inferior izquierda del documento DS-2019, aunque es posible que està © en blanco.   En todo caso, la visa J-1 sà ­ que menciona explà ­citamente si se est sujeto a esta regla de tener que salir de los Estados Unidos por dos aà ±os y es que eso aplica a las personas cuyas visas tengan las palabras: Visa Bearer is suject to the 212 (E) Two year residency rule does apply.   Waivers para mdicos Los mà ©dicos con una J-1, en teorà ­a, deberà ­an cumplir con la regla de los dos aà ±os de residencia fuera de Estados Unidos. Pero como es una profesià ³n en gran demanda, principalmente en ciertas zonas del paà ­s, se admiten varios caminos para pedir una waiver: Programa Conrad-30, que permite solicitar a cada uno de los 50 estados un total de 30 waivers.Programa HPSA, gestionado por el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos. Programa ARC, gestionado por la Comisià ³n Regional de la Apalachiay el Programa Delta, presente en lo estados de Alabama, Arkansas, Illionois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri y Tennessee. Entradas y salidas con la visa J-1 Para evitar tener la visa cancelada o que impidan el ingreso a los Estados Unidos es muy importante conocer cundo se puede ingresar al paà ­s, cunto se debe salir y cul es el periodo de gracia. Quedarse ms tiempo del permitido tiene como consecuencia la cancelacià ³n de la visa y, a partir de los 180 dà ­as de estancia ilegal la situacià ³n se puede complicar por aplicacià ³n del castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os.   Informacin adicional Si la visa J-1 no es la adecuada para un posible visitante a los Estados Unidos, un buen lugar por donde comenzar a informarse es conocer todas las visas no inmigrante con las que se puede ingresar al paà ­s. En algunos casos, los titulares de una visa J-1 pueden traer a sus familiares con una visa J-2. En el caso de nià ±os en primaria o secundaria es muy recomendable familiarizarse con el sistema educativo de los Estados Unidos antes de llegar al paà ­s.   Este artà ­culo no es informacià ³n legal para ningà ºn caso en concreto. Es sà ³lo informacià ³n general.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

An Organization for immigrants in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Organization for immigrants in UK - Essay Example The organization is a charitable one with the sole purpose of enhancing smooth transition to immigrants and intends also to maximize their improvement in well-being instead of maximizing profits. Implying that there is no profit to investors (Offer,2006,p56). The organization intends to provide assistance to the increasing number of immigrants who experience many challenges in their host countries. Since we are involved in social activity, the organization must just be a charitable organization. This is because it covers a wide scope, and if left to private firms which have limited scope it cannot achieve the organization’s objective of assisting a multitude of immigrants adapt to their new environment (Ross, 2003, p57). This is clearly illustrated by PotAucek who defined a nonprofit organization as is â€Å"the sphere of social activity undertaken by organizations that are not for profit and non-governmental†. Because immigration is highly sensitive politically, it has faced several challenges especially the regulatory environment relating to immigrants. Several restrictions have been put in place by the potential host countries to limit benefits offered to imm8igrants. Specifically the UK government introduced a ‘package of restrictions’ on EU migrants such as inability to claim housing benefits, delayed access to National Health Services, lack of job seekers allowances for the first 3 months and deportation and barred the reentry for 12 months for any EU national that is â€Å"caught begging or sleeping rough† (BBC, 2013). The most suitable organization to solve these challenges and restrictions is a charitable organization but not a private one (Panayi, 1999, p111). This is because an NGO has a global outlook while a private organization simply has a national or regional publicity and hence cannot exhaustively deal with a global problem. An NGO exists as a global asset and therefore best suited to deal with immigrantsâ€⠄¢ challenges. In order to eliminate racial discrimination in the host countries, the organization needs to be a public one this because of its fair, equitable and service to all nature. Public organizations treat people equally thereby eliminating racial prejudice that could occur if the organization would have been a private one. The organization aims at ensuring that immigrants are not denied jobs and housing because their credentials are devalued (Joppke & Seidle, 2012, p91). This, however, will be achieved through the provision of residential houses to immigrants as well as helping them with job applications, for instance writing CVs which are in line with the job market demand and, helping them prepare for interviews. The organization also intends to raise awareness of the on-going issue of racial discrimination, particularly â€Å"discriminatory practices in the workplace and the community†. The other reason why this organization must just be a nonprofit organization i nstead of a private one is because it has limited funds. It, therefore, depends on contributions and donations from well-wishers to accomplish its objectives because it has limited ways of raising funds contrary to private organizations which can borrow because they are able to repay the loan from profits that they make. A nonprofit organiz

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nursing Pain Management in hospitalized patients with Cancer Dissertation

Nursing Pain Management in hospitalized patients with Cancer - Dissertation Example According to Wood & Kerr (2011:67), the focus of the research is essential considering that management of pain in hospitalized patients with cancer, is critical in ensuring patient’s comfort and quick recovery. Abstract The abstract in this research article is concise and clear with well-summarized features of the main report. The research by has outlined the strengths of research in a manner by showing the used methods of pain management and the factors that contribute to pain in cancer patients. Presentation in the abstract is excellent. However, there is a weakness in the abstract in that it does not show clearly some of the expected experiences of patients in pain. It focuses only on strategies for pain management, but does not outline whether there is pain related to cancer treatment. An abstract should provide a brief description of the whole study without leaving out essential details (Polit and Beck 2010, p.54). This makes this research less favourable for use by nurse s in such a scenario. Introduction The introduction for this research is quite elaborate and clear. It has a clear purpose statement, and it is logical and straightforward. However, there are some weaknesses in that there is a lengthy citation at the opening, which seems too broad for the research purpose. The statistics used to give details about cancer are too many and are striking and conflicting at times. The literature review that is significant to this study forms only a small portion of the introduction. The introduction has mentioned that there are many factors, which contribute to pain in cancer patients, but it is not specific which factors it will cover or explore for better management pain in hospitalized patients with cancer. The citations used are also too old dating back to the year 1994. These might not give up to date information required for pain management in cancer, in the 21st century. The more recent citation used in the introductory part is 2000, which is quit e far considering that new methods of pain management have come up in the last one decade. The use of old research studies in this study shows that there has been no significant change in techniques for pain management, which is not true. The weak support provided by old studies makes this research study unfavourable in a nursing practice. Statement of the problem The problem statement in this study is clear and unambiguous, and this makes the reader identify it easily. The researcher clearly explains the purpose of the study, the reason of carrying out such a study, the target group, and interest in helping in management of pain in hospitalized patients with cancer (Holland & Rees, 2010:45). The strength in this problem statement is that it shows how the study is significant to nursing practice. It elaborates the best methods in earlier studies, to help the present nurses in managing pain in such patients. It also shows that apart from pain, other factors that contribute to such pa in needs intervention to prevent the occurrence of pain. In general, it gives information about a holistic approach to pain management in such patients. This helps the nurses to provide adequate management to such patients. The statement of the problem also matches the methodology used in this study. This is essential as it helps the reader or the nurses to identify the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Use Of Literary Devices In Julius Caesar Essay Example for Free

Use Of Literary Devices In Julius Caesar Essay Authors use literary devices in their works for a variety of reasons. The same holds true in Shakespeares Julius Caesar. The use of these devices has an effect on the plots development. Several literary devices can be seen in Julius Caesar, and they all have an effect on the plot. Foreshadowing is a key literary device in the play. We see foreshadowing from the beginning of the play, when the Soothsayer tells Caesar to Beware the Ides of March in Act I, Scene I, which happens to be the day that Caesar is killed. Calpurnia later dreams of Caesars death, but he does not heed her warning. this not only tells us what is going to happen, but it also shows us how Caesars status and ego are getting to his head. Foreshadowing gives us a hint of what is to come, and can also reflect upon a character or characters. A second literary device used in the play is the use of puns. A pun is another element noted early on in Julius Caesar. When Marullus addresses the Cobbler, the pun begins. Cobbler is meant to have two meanings in this dialog: 1 a shoemaker and 2 a bungler. The Cobbler refers to himself as a mender of bad soles, playing with the word soles. Marullus interprets the Cobbler as a mender of souls. The usage of puns adds some light humor to the play as well as reflecting on the characters of the play. This also shows that the so-called upper class can still be fooled by the commoners. The usage of puns adds to the story of Julius Caesar. During Antonys funeral speech, which is the climax of the play, several literary devices are used, including rhetorical questioning, sarcasm, and repetition. Antony frequently uses the question of Brutuss honor in killing Caesar to win over the people of Rome. His repetition of But Brutus is an honorable man is used to persuade the people that Brutus has done wrong. His entire speech makes the people think: Has Brutus really done a good deed? It is this use of literary elements which earns Antony the respect and loyalty of the people. This, in turn, shapes the plot later in the play. This is one of the best examples of how literary devices have an effect on the plot of a piece of literature. It is easy to see that literary devices not only make a story more interesting and colorful, but also have a direct effect on the plot of the piece. Shakespeare, like any writer, uses these devices in his works. The use of literary devices in literature is a necessity, and it is clear that Julius Caesar. is an excellent example of these techniques being used.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Electronic game is a famous entertainment among human no matter in which ages, the transformation design of video games and computer games had gone through a lot of changes since the first ever invented. The difference between the video and computer games is not much but the physical appearance. Video game is built through devices with a console that require a television to be played with. Compare to computer game that required a computer to run the games and with features of online gaming which video game doesn’t support. Computer game allow players to interactive to each other when play online while video game only allow interaction between friends and family. Over the years, computer games become popular compare to video games because of the variety games supported by computer where video games only support by one system and only applicable on their own game creation. Video game is an electronic gaming that display on a video display or television screen or the latest devices such as PSP and Nintendo. In the early 40s, the world first video games called â€Å"Cathode-Ray Tube Amusement† had been invented by Thomas T. goldsmith Jr. and Estle R. Mann that made a starting point to video games. The evolution of video game had been transform from graphic paper till the 2D graphic and better 3D graphic such as Microsoft XBOX, Wii and Sony Play Station. On the other hand, computer game known as PC game had not much different than video game which computer game is design to be use on a computer but not a video display television screen with keyboard as the controller. The first computer game was invented on 1952 called â€Å"TicTacToe† by A.S. Douglas on an EDSAC vacuum-tube computer. Recently in the past few years, this gaming field had be... ...t game presence positive impact on students. They conduct the research with a computer based game call â€Å"Fire Captain† that allow student to comprehend the role as a fire fighter. The result had brought out a conclusion where students who played the game beneficially learned problem solving skills, increase critical thinking and better understanding as a role of fire fighter. In addition, educational gaming guide students to a better management skills and earlier age of leadership practice through the game. On the other hand, video and computer games powerfully changed the world trend where children nowadays cannot live without a technological devices or computers game. This issue had become concerned among parents and societies where games might consists potential harmful materials such as violence, aggressive and over fascinating towards games.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mending Wall Commentary Essay

Robert Frost’s Narrative poem, â€Å"Mending Wall† is a light-hearted yet tense depiction of opposing views that brings together two different people. Written in blank verse with simple structure and strewn with images alluding to myths and human history, this poem reveals the men’s customs and furthermore the never ending ritual of man, which guides the reader to conclude that In this poem Robert Frost does make an allusion to the famous Greek myth of Sisyphus. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this legend, it tells the story of a man named Sisyphus who was condemned to the chronic punishment of continuously pushing an oversized boulder up a steep hill only to watch it roll back down so he could start the process all over again. This directly relates to the Mending Wall because in this poem the two neighbors meet up from time to time to put boulders on top of the wall dividing their properties. Yet, just as inevitably at the fate of Sisyphus, the boulders frequently fall back down and the two men willingly repeat the process. Another interesting concept that falls into the two men’s process, is that the neighbor who initiates the repairs of the wall is the speaker who believes that there is no need for a wall between their properties. If his true desire was to rid of the wall then he wouldn’t constantly restore it, therefore the speaker must derive some inside satisfaction from the building of the wall or even the connection it brings with his neighbor. The structure of the Mending Wall is a long one-stanza poem. It is written in blank verse (no rhyming) and contains a narrative-like style. One of the main devices Robert Frost comprises is repetition, which is used as a technique to emphasize the collision of views between the neighbors. We first see the line â€Å"something there is that doesn’t love a wall† in the beginning of the poem when the speaker is referring to nature as that ‘something’, and once the line is repeated it has a new meaning. At the end of the poem the ‘something’ refers to the attitudes of the speaker towards the wall, meaning the narrator does not ‘love the wall’ and wants it down. Another example of repetition is the statement â€Å"good fences make good neighbours†. This reflects back to and accentuates the idea and opinion that although people can be good friends, there will always be a barrier standing between them, acting as a boundary that separates their social relations from their personal privacy, ‘walling in’ what they do not wish to share with others. Robert Frost employs primeval diction to transform the ordinary scene of wall mending into an ancient act of savages. He emphasizes words such as â€Å"spells† and â€Å"elves† that make the two men seem ancient and from the Stone Age as they hoist and transport the boulders. Also in history the building of walls, both literal and figurative, marked the very foundation of society. Figuratively, rules and laws are walls and justice is the process of wall-mending. And the ritual of wall maintenance highlights the dual and complementary nature of human society, meaning the rights of individuals are affirmed through the affirmation of other individuals’ rights. In the poem their communal act, or civic â€Å"game,† offers a good excuse for the speaker to interact with his neighbor as they perform the same procedural actions done by prehistoric humans.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Promotion Strategy Used by Sony to Promote Vaio C Series Essay

VAIO C Series uses advertising to communicate to consumers. In addition, it classifies its segmentation to communicate directly with each ages or lifestyles of consumers. Message on advertising must classify to depend on target group because they are different such as teenager or young. Those target groups want notebook to reflect to their lifestyles. Using message to make recognition about functional, smart, cool, and modern is available for teenage or young. As well, the obvious promotional strategy is taken an emotional advertising instead of representing performances. Now, VAIO C Series is entering to a stage of an emotional benefit. Representing only an advance technology is not enough, VAIO C Series uses the emotional advertising to make consumer feeling accompany with VAIO C Series. An emotional aspect is made consumer to be proud when they use VAIO C Series and feel required to possess it. For example of VAIO C Series advertising campaign, â€Å"Show It with Your VAIO† this advertising emphasizes feeling and pride to possess and use VAIO C Series. Sales Promotion Sony has promoted its product through different sale promotional strategies. For example, distributing a premium product is a standard promotion. The premium product is accessories that are case & pouch, mouse, docking station, and micro vault. These premiums supported absolutely VAIO C Series users to enhance when using it. Furthermore, VAIO C Series uses the sale promotion of price-off especially in Commart X’Gen Thailand or Sony Day Let’s Cheer that consumer can buy VAIO C Series for the special price. For example, VAIO C Series discount 2000 Baths and pay by installments zero percent within a year. Public relation Sony VAIO C Series has advantages of public relationship from the corporate brand to take the good brand image. The Sony Group recognizes that its businesses have direct and indirect impact on the communities in which it operates. Sponsorship Sony is an active sponsor. Sony understands that sponsorship is its responsibility to assist like-minded organizations to help them achieve their goals. For example of sponsorship, Sony supports the InSIGHT Out project, Sony Thai support Showroom TV Program, and Sony Thai supported the 36th Charity Bazaar. Direct Marketing On the other hand, SONY also used direct selling strategy for their promotion. They provide an interactive customer website for visitor who wishes to get more information about VAIO C Series to select and preview the colours for the SONY VAIO C Series. SONY also uses e-mail to acknowledge their customer about their latest product and updates. Personal selling In VAIO store, the sale force makes the good relationship and will communicate well to costumer when they want to know more information. SONY has training the sale force to communicate VAIO C Series information both its product and entertainment from VAIO C Series. They must have the technology knowledge to relate with product to teach consumer. Personal selling has every VAIO C Series dealers that is a force promotion in highly competitors.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Macroenvironment Challenges Of Swatch Group Essay Example

Macroenvironment Challenges Of Swatch Group Essay Example Macroenvironment Challenges Of Swatch Group Paper Macroenvironment Challenges Of Swatch Group Paper Contemporary organizations face changes everyday, including structural change and management change (Bestial Jargon 2014). Gerber (2013) discussed that change in the workplace is unavoidable and it should be embraced by the managers to ensure the transition process is smooth. The change is sometimes attributed to the general environment which defined as a relatively distant environment and it consists of elements such as technological and demographic that influent an organization indirectly (Laureate Florin, 2012). Since the environmental forces impact the organization significantly, the structural and technical change cannot be obtained with closed system (Danish, Minor, Karakas, Jabber Unwary, 2014). Along With the changes of general environment, managers roles have been changed. According to Integer (1 975), managers roles can be distinguished into ten basic roles which mainly classified under interpersonal, informational and decision roles (SICKLINESS, 2007). Since there will be constant changes in the general environment, the managers should be able to perform more roles and being more flexible (Pence, 2001 cited in ICELINKS, 2007). Swatch Group Ltd is a worldwide organization active in watching industry. It consists of 18 well-known watch brands such as Omega and Swatch and nearly all the watch components required by the brands supplied by the Group (Lorena, 2014). Besides, most of the third- party watchmakers of the world demand for its watch movements and components. Its headquartered located in Bill, Switzerland and 33590 employees work for it as of December 31, 2013. The purpose of writing this essay is to analyses the two general environment factors that influent the operation of Swatch Group and to discuss to which extent the work of managers would be impacted. Economic condition and technological notation are the two factors that will be discussed and the theories that will be applied are Henry Payolas Management Functions which consists of planning, organizing, controlling and leading, Roberto L. Stats Management Skills which are conceptual skills, human skills and technical skills, Payolas General Administrative Theory which consists of 14 points, as well as Henry Integers Management Roles . As Swatch Group is globalizes, it has to work with the complex and dynamic global business environment, in other terms, open system under systems approach (Anthrax Inkers, 2013). Economic condition is one of the general environments that affects the operation of the Group, for example, fluctuation of currency exchange. Since it operates its business over the globe, revenues repatriated from overseas have to convert to Swiss Franc currency. Therefore, the groups profit could be negatively affected by fluctuations of currencies against Swiss Franc like the US Dollar and the China Rene Min Bi (The Swatch Group Ltd SOOT Analysis, 2014). Throughout the first half year of 2014, 188 million Francs are shaved from the Groups gross sales because of the extremely adverse exchange rate situation (Lorena, 2014). By comparing the annual financial report of 2007 to 2014 of the Group, the gross sales increase consistently but the currency exchange rate of Swiss Francs display a very unstable rate, especially in 2011 that has an -10. 8% exchange rate. Furthermore, the group also concerns about economic recession. When there is economic recession, peoples confidence level will be lower since they have less purchasing power (Abraham, Greenness Mould, 1998). According to The Conference Board (2014) and Housing Industry Association Ltd (2014), most of the countries has achieved a peak consumer confidence level (ICP) in the year 2007 but has clines significantly since that. When people purchase less, apparently the revenue that Swatch Group can generate is lesser. Moreover, metals and plastics, as the main raw materials of a watch, are having a extremely high market prices in recent years and which ultimately leading to a high production cost and low margin of profit for Swatch Group especially Swatch since it uses plastic as the straps of watches (Essays, 2013). Conversely, when the economy is good, peoples spending on luxury range of watches will increase. For example, the gross sales of the Group have a dramatic increase n 2012 and 2013 since the ICP has recovered (Cowcatchers. Com, 2014). To raise awareness of the fluctuation of currency, top line managers of the Group performed resource locator roles by approving a significant decision which required the production line to create a plastic watch featuring with sass bank note to all the pressure groups, mainly the stakeholders (Revile, 2014). Meanwhile, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Nick Hayes showed his figurehead and spokesperson roles by suggesting that Swiss National Banks governing bank should carry out some actions to strengthen their currency Revile, 2014). During economic recession, top line managers of Swatch Group have engaged in planning by setting the strategy of concentrating on lower-end. Since the consumers will more tempted to buy products that are relatively low in price, the decision of differentiating and dividing products with a pricing strategy is made. For example, basic range like Swatch and luxury range like Omega. Different brands target on different classes by ingratiating their favor and setting an affordable price. They also engage in organizing which including market surveys that need to be constructed in order to analyses which age group they should target on and what is their common preferences. Middle line managers on the other hand should convey the accurate message of the board to the first-line managers so that they can manage the manufacturing process and the retail sales. The sales during the economic downturn period can also be stimulated by further increasing the visibility of the brands. One of the actions that the Group has taken is that they have sponsored plenty of sporting events. For instance, top line managers of the headquarters played the role of spokesperson and figurehead by signing agreement with International Olympic Committee to become Olympic Partners sponsor and official timekeeper of the game (Themselves, 2002). On the other hand, the marketing managers, as the middle line managers control and manage the details of the events. Human skills are very important for them as the corporation with other departments and the Committee are unavoidable. They should able to communicate, lead and inspire enthusiasm. Meanwhile, to ensure that the timers are functioned properly, technical skills are inevitable and the first-line mangers have to respond to any situation changes, which comply with situational approach (Magmata Susquehanna, 2009). Secondly, technological condition also influent the Groups operation. Swatch Group is challenged by schismatic, which is highly focused when Pebble launched its kick-starter campaign in 2012 (Destroyers, 2013). Although the weaknesses of smart watch like highly dependent on smartened have not been overcame, Samsung Galaxy Gear watch has dominated 78 percent of 96 million revenue gained in schismatic market of US (Roar, 2014). This promising sales figures may be a threat for Swatch Group in a long run, especially when the schismatic passes the chasm of technology by having a better functionality. Based on a market research that took a sample size of 2577 adults in US, 63% of echo boomers, who are those who aged between 18 to 35 years old has slightly interested in owning a schismatic (Shannon- Missal, 2013). Besides, since the counterfeit watches are much cheaper and kick alike as the original watch, they occupy a huge market share. What make the situation worse is the people who wants to buy original but unintentionally buy a counterfeit watch. In a long run, peoples loyalty towards the branded products will loss and brands reputations will be damaged. In response to the new era, top line managers of the Group perform their inception skills as they made a decision to corporate with Microsoft in laughing a schismatic called Paparazzi ten years ago. Although the schismatic did not bring the expected succeed, both Research and Development departments showed their proficiency in technical skills. Moreover, the PR and marketing managers are the bridge to connect both organizations and hence human skills which used to build cooperative effort become extremely important. Meanwhile, Hayes does not agree with the says that schismatic is a threat to them, instead, he is very confident that it is a hence for them to convince people who willing to wear a schismatic try on their products (Kilowatt Potter, 2014). He did played his job well in the aspect of representing the Groups information and thought to the media, whether in another term, spokesperson. Moreover, as a leader, he has motivated and gave a clear direction to the employees during the time when the employees are worried about the future of the company due to the presence of schismatic. Although the technology advance has brought many challenges to Swatch Group, it can also treated as an opportunity. Since there are people who enjoy online-shopping nowadays, a new platform, e-commerce have been introduced to reduce the chance loss. The main jobs of e-commerce developers are to ensure that the e-business of the group are operated smoothly, the users and technical documents are established, which perfectly interpret the responsibilities of first-line manager, thus the proficiency in relative technical skills is strongly required (Swatch Group, 2014). The corporation of many departments including marketing department and IT department are required since the head of the departments, also known as middle line managers have to manage what products can be sold via the web hill the first-line manager, mainly the technicians and the salesperson have to ensure the website is updated, operated normally and the proper manner used when communicate with consumers. The top line managers like the CEO have to keep track on the online sales. Furthermore, to ensure that the employees are aware of the worlds change, the Group gives training on technical-know-how, interpersonal skills and acquisition of competencies to their employees (Cowcatchers. Com, 2014). The team leader, no matter which line of managers should show their leader role by understanding what the employees request for and are they being motivated enough. This in turn aids in promoting the esprit De corps principle that builds harmony and a united front within the organization, according to Payolas 1 4 principles (Wren Bedside, 2009). In conclusion, economic and technological are two of the general environments that affect the Groups operation in positive and negative ways. The changes are unavoidable but the ways that the managers embrace and adapt to it determine the smoothness of its operation. Therefore, managers, which are human capital of Swatch Group is one of its key success factors as they dedicates great effort to the Group according to the positions they hold ND the responsibilities they carry.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Boy Oh Boy

Boy Oh Boy Boy Oh Boy Boy Oh Boy By Maeve Maddox This sentence in a newspaper feature about Civil War hero David O. Dodd, got me thinking about the word boy: Dodd is lionized in these parts as the â€Å"Boy Martyr of the Confederacy† although â€Å"Teen Martyr† would be a more accurate sobriquet for a young man who was only a year short of being old enough to be drafted into the Rebel army.† Dodd was 17 when Union troops occupying Little Rock hanged him in 1864. The word boy to refer to a 17-year-old seems a valid choice to me. Boy has been in the language since 1300. More than one etymology has been argued, but its origin is uncertain. Its earliest use in English was with the meaning â€Å"male servant† or â€Å"slave.† Note: Before boy came to mean â€Å"a male child,† the word girl was used to refer to young people of either sex. A speaker who wanted to refer to a â€Å"male ‘girl’† used the expression â€Å"knave girl.† Both words, boy and girl, had taken on their present meanings by the 1400s. In the British colonies and in the American South, boy was used to refer to non-white servants, regardless of age. Today, of course, such usage is considered to be extremely offensive. In France, until fairly recently, the usual term for summoning a waiter was garà §on, â€Å"boy,† but nowadays, serveur is the masculine term for â€Å"waiter.† Apart from its general meaning of â€Å"a young male, (usually below the age of puberty, or still in school),† boy occurs in a great variety of idioms that refer not just to male human beings of any age, but to dogs as well. Oh boy! Depending upon context and intonation, this exclamation can denote delight or dismay. For example, â€Å"Oh boy! I’ve won the lottery!† or, â€Å"Oh boy, you’re in trouble now. That’s my boy! A parent, proud of a son, might say this in approval of some accomplishment. Old boys’ club/old boys’ network: network of social and professional connections that perpetuate favoritism in government and other sectors. The expression originated with the British â€Å"public school† system. (In the U.K., â€Å"public schools† are elite private schools attended by the children of the wealthy.) Male graduates of exclusive schools were called â€Å"old boys.† Because of connections forged in school, these â€Å"old boys† went on to occupy highly placed jobs in government and commerce, helped by a previous generation of â€Å"old boys† who made up a segment of insiders. By extension, the expression can be used to refer to any kind of favoritism that makes advancement difficult for outsiders. There’s a good boy! An expression pet owners use with male dogs. Sometimes it is phrased as a question: â€Å"Who’s a good boy?† Down, boy! This expression is used to address a dog that is jumping on someone. By extension, it is used humorously to a man who reacts with interest when introduced to a good-looking woman. Our boys in uniform: Men serving in the military, regardless of age. Now that women are more visible in the military, the expression is not as common as it once was. Boys’ night out: A weekly social outing for friends, limited to men. Boys will be boys: An expression of resigned acceptance uttered when men do something despicable that is considered to be characteristic of age or sex. Send a boy to do a man’s job: to ask someone young, ill-equipped, or inexperienced to do difficult or complicated work. Usually in negative contexts, as â€Å"Never send a boy to do a mans job.† boy next door: Unlike most â€Å"boy† expressions, this one has a corresponding one for women: girl next door. The expressions denote a stereotypical personification of a young, unspoiled, admirable character whom one might safely fall in love with. boy king: Tutankhamen is often referred to as â€Å"the boy king.† Boy can be used in a descriptive sense with any noun: â€Å"boy wonder,† â€Å"boy genius.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing LightCapitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and Movements15 English Words of Indian Origin

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Men in Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Men in Nursing - Essay Example Though there is historic evidence of males in care-giver roles, the female domination of the nursing profession started as early as150 years ago when Florence nightingale became a role model for dedicated nurse (Anthony 2004). Infact, the nursing profession gained its importance since then because of efficient training, practice of good hygiene, emphasis on environment, careful data collection and analysis, high standards of character and good performance (Anthony 2004). Similar to the Nightingale model was the European religious sisterhoods model, which came after the Nightingale school and further extended the female domination of the profession. Thus nursing profession came to be viewed as those services provided by kind, caring, subordinate, nurturing, domestic, humble and self-sacrificing women (Anthony 2004). Men were not considered for the role of a nurse because they were perceived to be strong, aggressive and dominant (Anthony 2004) and did not fit into the role model of nur se. It is an obvious fact that the registered nursing force should reflect the diversity of the population they serve (Sherrod 2005). However, the trend does not seem to be so. Infact, females are 9 times more recruited than women (Sherrod 2005). The concept of nursing as a female profession came into vogue due to the popular Nightingale and European sisterhoods schools. But the true fact is that men have been care-givers since much before that. The priests and their assistants who were delivering health care in the form of herbal remedies and incantations in the ancient civilization were infact males. Similar services have been described in the Bible (Mosaic laws), Persian and Babykon literature, Greek literature, also (Anthony 2004). The role of male nurses has been described in the military and civil wars also (Anthony 2004). In the post- Nightingale era, men